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Love Made a Way

Mary McDonald and Jay Rouse combine their compositional gifts to bring us this moving musical for Advent and Christmas. Beautiful music from Mary and Jay, deeply thoughtful narrations from Rose Aspinall, and a fabulous orchestration by Ed Hogan and Jay highlight the message at the heart of Christmas—God’s love through Jesus Christ. You’ll find a bit of everything here, including original songs, familiar carols, fresh settings of timeless Christmas favorites, and ministry songs that will reach the heart of every listener. Songs like Mary’s "Sing Out Our Savior’s Birth" and "Look on Him with Love" and Jay’s "A Midwinter Noel" and "Love Made a Way" all serve to bring into focus God’s undeserved and unfathomable love through Jesus Christ. Celebrate how love made a way for each of us with this impactful musical! "His coming means freedom for the captive, sight for the blind, good news for the poor. Jesus is Love incarnate, and He alone makes a way home for fallen man."', b'0', b'0', 0, 'Sing Out Our Savior''s Birth;A Midwinter Noel;This Son;Worship His Glory, Worship the King!;Look on Him with Love;Born to Us a King;Love Made a Way;Go Tell it On the Mountain;Sing Out Our Savior''s Birth (Finale)', b'1
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